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How planets and stars influence your health

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How planets and stars influence your health.


Position of Sun determines your horoscope sign. For example, Sun in Scorpio means that the person's sign is Scorpio.

Correlated psychological meaning of Sun is consciousness and conscious behaviour. But a human is not very often behaving consciously, his behaviour is normally controlled by subconscious responses of his psyche. That is why astrology says that Sun is "switched on" and becomes present in a person when an important decision needs to be made - when the conscious behaviour needs to be activated.

On physical level position of the Sun in your horoscope means quality of energy, nourishing your body - is it enough of it, is it stable, how does it change and what influences the change and so on.

Sun in Aries.

Aries likes situations when decisions need to be made. He makes quick determined decisions, but does not often thinks them through. But when the energies are low Aries becomes more like his opposite - Libra - and hesitates for quite a while before making up his mind. Aries is impatient, he wants to get it all now, nothing feels worse for him than waiting and be patient.

In case of an illness his body responds very actively, it directs all its effort to fight the intrusion of the illness, the temperature rises high, and all other symptoms are well defined. So it is not advised, unless it is absolutely necessary, to lower the temperature of an Aries because it could only create additional problems for the immune system of the body. Sunshine and warmth are very often quite beneficial for Aries, as it recharges the energies of the body.

Sun in Taurus
Sun is a reliable source of energy for Taurus. Because of his constant effort Taurus is capable of grand projects. Taurus is acting calmly - it is very hard for them to redirection their effort - that is where their legendary stubbornness comes from; apart from that Taurus has a huge resistance against any outside influencess.

Possessing this reliable source of energy Taurus resists the ill-effects of the outside world. But if the illness has occurred the organism is fighting is slowly and surely in the same way as it treats any other life situations.

Sun in Gemini

Sun in Gemini is characterised by versatility, desire to be in the centre of common interests. Unlike Aries they are not interested in their own insights, but in the opinion of other people.

In fighting a illness they have nether the Aries's fire, nor the Taurus's strong shield - but they do have manoeuvrability and flexibility which allows them to adjust to different conditions; to be around negative influences and not to get affected by them.

Sun in Cancer

Cancer is characterised by inconsistent energy levels, energy is being discharged impulsively, energetic decrease follows the energetic increase. In a situation which requires a decision making Cancerians are not in a rush to act.

Protective mechanism of Cancerian allows them in many cases successfully fight of a disease. But if a Cancerian does not have piece of mind and complexes start overtaking the common cense, Cancerian becomes very vulnerable to the negative influences from outside and prone to inner unbalance.

Sun in Leo

Leo is naturally a centre, a pole around which all events are revolving. Leo could get ill as well but the constant level of energy allows them to overcome the ill factor and to restore the strength. Very important condition for good health to Leo is possibility to express themselves creatively.

Sun in Virgo

Virgo is characterised by directing its energy into many things, constantly switching from one activity to another. To make a decision is not an easy task for Virgo. Virgo prefers to try all options and only after thoroughly thinking them through choosing two or three options - but never one.

The strength of Virgo is to effectively organise physiological processes without using much energy (which they do not have). But it is very hard for Virgo to cope with overextending their energies, that is why to maintain a good health they need order and proper nutrition in their lives. Communication with nature is very important to Virgo.

Sun in Libra

Sun's energies in Libra express in short but strong impulses, that is why Libra loves abrupt, bright actions. Making decisions - is the hardest thing in life for Libra. They would prefer someone else to make one for them.

Health of a Sun in Libra depends a lot on success in their relationships and their social life.

Sun in Scorpio

Behind calm appearance of Scorpio is hiding a volcanic lava of passion, unrestricted wishes and ambitions; at the same time Scorpio is capable of lasting effort - that how powerful is the nature of Scorpio.

Scorpio love controlling other people, energising them and giving then a strong desire to create.

Scorpio is a Magical sign, and its representatives are capable of creating miracles in any areas including fighting illnesses. Water procedures are normally beneficial for Scorpio's, helping the to "wash off" the negative energies.

Sun in Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius is like a lamp with a big amount of bulbs in it. Sagittarius manages to hold in mind (hart) so many ideas that they can inspire anybody on their way. They normally avoid decision making, though they do not think they do.

Because of their restless nature Sagittarius might get their energy level their very low which immediately affects their body, especially their arteries.

Sun in Capricorn

If any of the signs are capable of making responsible decisions - it is Capricorn. It is the most insistent and tenacious sign. It treats life seriously, that is why it not only makes grand plans but also carries them through.

Sun in Capricorn does not give its owners much energy, that is why it is beneficial for them to restrain their impulses and not to use up a lot of energy at once. Energetic fall might bring them a long lasting depression, with all its consequences to their health.

Sun in Aquarius

In Aquarius Sun gives a person a source of constant stable energy. But in this case the energy has special qualities. It is not enough of it if it belongs to one person but the amount of it rises in a geometrical progression when it is shared with a group of people. The thoughts of Aquarius are directed towards their innermost interest. And if there is an urgent need for decision making it would choose any decision, whatever is on it's mind.

Sun in Pisces

Sun in Pisces is like a motor of a submarine: its refined energy allows it to go both either to the surface or into the depth - to solve the tasks and mysteries which Pisces love so much. Making decisions is not their thing. They understand so many nuances that a concrete answer to a concrete question becomes just impossible - because everything in life is relative and conditioned.

Going dip into their intuition, into the mysteries of life Pisces come across many things which might be called emotional garbage. To compensate this they very often turn to alcohol, drugs and smoking. Sure it becomes a health hazard.


Psixologic woman
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